Crude Oil Price Is Getting Stronger
Since start in March 2009, crude oil price have bound up stable to move above USD70. Sure we will ask why this black gold price (crude oil) will move up fast but the economic situation is still not recovery yet? The answer need to go back to 2008 when it begin. It took only 5 months for the price of oil to plummet from USD150 to under USD40 in the second part of the year 2008. Meanwhile oil consumption did not even decrease 10%, so what is the real cause of this collapse you may ask? During the first part of 2008, Western economies were already slowing down noticeably and hedge funds gradually pulled trillions of dollars out of the market and parked them in energy ETFs. At the time Chindia's insatiable thirst for oil and the "decoupling" of east/west economies had many believe commodities were a "sure thing", a sound enough tangible insurance to protect overinflated assets scavenged from made-up bubbles. On top of that, by using leverage, profits were multiplied...